Fotografije Serdžila

Remembering Syria: The Dead Town of Serjilla - III avtor Egisto Sani

Baths south façade. The higher wall with five windows belongs to the main hall of the Thermae covered by a two-slope roof. The surviving small building along the south wall of the main hall is the Thermae frigidarium. The small windowed apse corresponded to the frigidarium pool. The others not-roofed remains mark the original location of the tepidarium and calidarium. The American expedition at the turn of the XX century found a large mosaic in this room (since destroyed) dedicated by one Julianos and his wife Domna. A floor of the baths is dated to 473 and their existence in this remote locality indicates the degree of prosperity in the community at the time. The baths are one of the most intact examples found in Syria and are particularly interesting given their origins in the Christian period, as opposed to earlier Roman examples. Approx. V- VI century AD Serjillah , Syria
Serdžila (arabsko سيرجيلة) je eno izmed mrtvih mest v severozahodni Siriji. Nahaja se v hribovju Džebel Riha, okoli 65 km severno od Hame in okoli 80 km jugozahodno od Alepa, v neposredni bližini ostankov še enega »mrtvega mesta« Bara. Serd... Preberite dalje
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